We manufacture our organic products exclusively from raw materials that have been produced organically after EG 834/2007. All raw materials come from suppliers with organic certifications. We check the origin of our raw materials and their organic quality at every arrival. To unequivocally identify raw materials, as well as our intermediate goods, semi-finished goods and finished products as organic they are individually marked. Additionally they are stored separately and receive assigned spaces.
To avoid mix ups between our products, Mar-Ko's organic products are being manufactured on separate production days. Amongst other things that ensures shipping containers and machines are always cleaned before the manufacturing of products with an organic certification begins.
Our processes are screened yearly by a independent control authority to certify our organic manufacture. With the EU organic label we can prove our sustainable use of resources.
Additionally our products fulfill the requirements of Naturland – Verband für ökologischen Landbau (Naturland – association for ecological agriculture). The association has high standards when it comes to animal welfare, ecological manufacture and social standards. To get the certification for those products we only use raw materials that have been cleared by Naturland.
However our organic manufacture does not end with certifications: we are convinced that waste avoidance is an important factor in the careful treatment of resources. Because of that we assist different organic producers with the processing of animals in their entirety. Parts that cannot be marketed as prime cuts but fulfill Mar-Ko's quality standard for premium sausage production are being processed into organic mini salami.