Distributor advantages at a glance

Mar-Ko meat snacks for the food retailing industry

It is important to us that your customers are satisfied. You are getting exactly what you envisioned and what suits you. That is our type of service orientation: as vending, kiosk or shelf merchandise – our snack salami products are available in all kinds of different sized packages and displays, no matter if Salamini or trademark. Individual adjustments to fit your specific sale requirements are no issue for us either.

  • personal, competent consultation
  • fast, simple order processing
  • attractive payment conditions
  • first class product quality and best service

Count on this unique combination and benefit from the growth market of snack products with Mar-Ko! 

Delivery flexibility

Fast and efficient distribution, individual solutions. With Mar-Ko meat products the snack business is a true pleasure! You can reach us directly and we will deliver fast, efficiently and without issues thanks to our own storage facility.


Shelf life

Produced safely, packaged neatly and our products can be stored unrefrigerated up to several months without issues. Even though usually the merchandise has been sold beforehand!


Organic certification

Our products can comply with various organic standards. Our manufacturing is designed to process organic raw material professionally and safely. Alongside the European organic label we are also achieving particularly strict standards like Naturland's guidelines that go further than origin and processing of the merchandise.


Brands are an instrument for customer retention – for you, too! However only if you have a reliable partner: Mar-Ko meat snacks!

We are brand specialists with many years of experience, highest expertise and unbeatable flexibility. Distinguish yourself effectively on the savoury snack market and position your own snack range in outstanding Mar-Ko quality!

  • Your brand on the product
  • Our proven production
  • Highest quality reliability and product safety
  • Our assistance with package design

Your name, your private brand, our quality and experience. Utilise this recipe for success! We will gladly demonstrate to you personally how it works.


Job order production and packaging

We gladly support your complete product cycle from development to packaging! No matter, if it is only a single production step or if it is the whole manufacturing process: We work on your behalf and in familiar Mar-Ko quality.

Mar-Ko is the right partner, if you need help developing a product idea. Benefit from our experienced product developers and together we will work out recipes, define production steps and refine your product until it is ready for production.

You already have an innovative product, however cannot produce it yourself? We produce your meat commodity according to our quality standards safely, efficiently and reliably. Your production volume hardly has a limit. We make sure, there are always supplies of your product.

Furthermore we help you with packaging. Our experience with design, material and manufacturing benefits you, if you choose Mar-Ko. We design promotional packaging for you that fulfill the product's shelf life requirements and are easy to manufacture. We gladly assume the actual packaging of the products for you, with Mar-Ko you have a partner, who can handle development, market launch and production processing in its entirety.


Our brand Salamini

The cheeky, self confident brand design grabs the customer's attention and makes them hungry for more. Vibrant colours attract client's attention directly at the point of sale. We know what consumers like and that is the best prerequisite for a strong product presentation. No one can pass that easily!

As classic Salamini, air-dried gourmet sticks, tasty combo, hearty snack calzone, smooth poultry Salamini or as low-fat, active version – with Mar-Ko's Salamini you offer the right meat snack for every taste.

Salamini product world » 


Container size

We deliver the containers that you want. Mar-Ko meat products are at home everywhere and because of that they are available in individual container and display sizes.

SALAMINI CLASSIC or SALAMINI STICKS? SALAMINI ACTIVE or SALAMINI CALZONE? The Mar-Ko meat products GmbH brand family with their different mini salami snacks is very versatile and tremendously flexible:

  • Individual or double packs
  • Chains of three, four or five
  • Display and special placement

Those are just a few of the many different snack variations. Talk to us about your individual ideas and requests. We will see to it that you get exactly the merchandise that you need for your sale.



Mixed cases

Test our products in individual mixed cases. In every desired sizes or in your own packaging design. 

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